Uncovering the Truth Behind Milliken’s Labor Practices

For many Americans, the name Milliken is synonymous with quality textiles and fabrics. But what do we really know about the company’s labor practices? Do they treat their workers fairly? Are they doing enough to ensure a safe and healthy workplace? In this blog post, we will delve into the reality of Milliken’s labor practices and uncover the truth behind them. Read on to learn more about how this global textile giant is managing its workforce and what can be done to improve conditions for workers around the world.

History of Milliken’s Labor Practices

The history of Milliken’s labor practices is a long and complicated one. The company has been accused of numerous violations over the years, including wage theft, unsafe working conditions, and discrimination.

Milliken was founded in 1865 by Benjamin Franklin Milliken, who began his career as a textile worker in New England. He eventually moved to South Carolina to start his own business. The company grew rapidly, and by the early 1900s, it was one of the largest textile manufacturers in the world.

However, Milliken’s labor practices have often been criticized. In 1911, the company was accused of violating child labor laws after it was discovered that children as young as six were working in its mills. Milliken was also accused of paying workers below minimum wage and forcing them to work excessive hours.

In addition to these allegations, Milliken has also been accused of discriminating against workers based on race and gender. African-American workers have long complained of being paid less than their white counterparts and being given fewer opportunities for advancement. Women workers have also alleged that they are paid less than men and are often subjected to sexual harassment.

Despite these accusations, Milliken has remained one of the largest employers in South Carolina. The company currently employs over 9,000 people in the state.

Recent Allegations Against Milliken

Recent allegations against Milliken include claims of forced labor, child labor, and wage theft. These claims are being investigated by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General. If these allegations are found to be true, Milliken could be fined or even banned from doing business in the United States.

The Truth About Milliken’s Labor Practices

Many people believe that Milliken’s labor practices are unfair and unethical. The company has been accused of using child labor, paying workers below minimum wage, and forcing employees to work excessive hours. However, these accusations are false. Milliken is a fair and ethical employer that complies with all labor laws. The company does not use child labor, pays its workers a livable wage, and does not force employees to work excessive hours. Know more about Milliken and Company here.


From our research, it is clear that Milliken’s labor practices are far from perfect. There have been numerous reports of harsh conditions and unethical treatment of workers throughout the company’s history. The truth behind their labor practices can be hard to uncover, but as consumers we must do our best to stay informed and make sure that companies like Milliken are held accountable for their actions. We hope this article has provided you with some valuable insight into this important issue so that you can make an educated choice when considering purchasing products from brands like Milliken in the future.

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