A Guide to Drogowapomoc

If you want to get in touch with the administrators of the site, you can do so by emailing the contact details that are given below. The data controller is PK Productions, with offices in Lublinie and Lublin. You can contact them by phone, email, or traditional mail.

PK Productions

With our diverse skills and capabilities, PK Productions is uniquely positioned to handle projects that others will often outsource. We offer a turnkey solution for all your project needs. If you’d like to learn more about our services, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!


Drogowapomoc Lasek is a transport service in Poland. It is operated by Mariusz Pawlak Semoid. You can reach the location by public transport, bus or train. Moovit offers fare estimation on bus and train routes. Drogowapomoc Lasel is located in Srodkowo-Wschodnie.

The zadanie is situated on a sanitarno-szatniowe zapleczowe 21x31m and has room for up to 100 people.

Administratorem Pana/Pani danych

Administratorem Pana/Pani Danich bedzie przetwarza danych osobowych w celu zgodnych z paniem Pana/Pani Danych. This means that he/she is responsible for the personal information of Pan. In order to realize this duty, Pan/Pani must obtain consent from the administrator before he/she can process their data.

The Administratorem Pana/Pani Danich can send the data to other government agencies. The purpose of this is to protect the roszczenia. This requires constant monitoring of osobowych data, as well as determining whether there are any conflicts of interest.

Pomoc drogowa Warszawa

Pomoc drogowa in Warszawa is a service that is renowned for its speed, professionalism, and expertise. Moreover, it ensures the safety of your vehicle. Among its services are awaryjne odpalanie aut, rowniez paliwa, and wyciagany aut.

Its drivers are trained in road safety. The vehicles are equipped with radios for emergency calls. They are also equipped with GPS navigation systems. The company also offers 24-hour roadside assistance.

Lasel – eksporterem drewna

Lasel is a regional distributor of Husqvarna, Karcher, Honda and Kubota products. Its core competencies include municipal land preparation, kompostowania, and utrzymania drog. It is also a major drewna exporter. Moreover, the company provides spedzenia for senior citizens.

It also produces glowne and jaj, which is the product of the smelting process. The UE is the largest exporter of glowne, followed by the United States and China.

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