All about finding residential pest control in Irvine

Whether you are a permanent resident or have recently moved to Irvine, you certainly need a few contacts on your phone. One of them has to be pest control. Insects and rodents are common in California, and many of them are responsible for serious health concerns. Additionally, some species, such as rats and mice, can even cause property damage. If you are wondering how to find the best company for residential pest control Irvine, we have you covered!

Start your research

Talk to neighbors and people you know to find the exterminators they have worked with, and this can be a good way to make a potential list. Google also has a ready list of pest control companies, which can be helpful in narrowing down the options.

Call for help

Don’t email a pest control company. Infestations get worse within days, and you need immediate assistance. Call the shortlisted companies and discuss your concerns. A professional service will usually schedule a same-day inspection, which will include a complete check of your property. Don’t wait for long for an exterminator to respond.

Ask the right questions

Before you hire a residential pest control company, ask the following questions –

  • Are you located in Irvine? Do you have an office?
  • How long have you been serving the residential sector?
  • Are you licensed? Do you have insurance for your workers?
  • Do you have liability insurance?
  • What are your working hours?

Don’t be too fixed on the estimate, as the prices depend on several factors, including the size of your home. Instead, wait for your pest control team to arrive and inspect, following which they will share more details.

Review the prices

Ideally, the pest control company should give you a fixed quote, including the cost of their services, products, and other essentials. If the service offers a warranty, it should be mentioned on paper and could influence the final price. Also, it is always a good idea to check whether the company has preventive plans, which are usually for a year and cover precautionary measures and frequent inspections of the property. Always insist on an itemized estimate.

Discuss safety measures

Top residential pest control companies in Irvine usually take measures and plan the work to minimize concerns related to safety. You should ask for details and ensure the safety of your family and pets is not compromised.

If you can find a green pest control service, choose them over the usual ones for protecting the environment.

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