If at First You Don’t Succeed (Humming Homes)

Trying again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, and it’s the reason we’re taught to “try again.” This quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, is not always appropriate, however. Generally, it’s meant to foster the morals of hard work and resilience.




If at First, You Don’t Succeed, Insanity is a phrase that first appeared in the Narcotics Anonymous handbook in 1981. It was first written as a manuscript in 1979 and was later published as a book. The phrase refers to severe mental illness, a condition in which the person is unable to separate fantasy from reality and engages in irrational and uncontrollable behavior.

Insanity is a legal defense that can be used in criminal cases, but only in certain circumstances. It can be used in situations that the defendant is unable to understand what is going on around him or her. In this situation, a mental illness or physical defect may be used to show that a defendant lacked the intent or state of mind necessary to commit the crime.

The definition of insanity is doing something over again, expecting different results. This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein. However, the phrase “try, try again” only applies to certain situations. In some situations, failure is inevitable.

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