Indoor Environment – 6 Ways to Get Rid of Mold in Your House

Mold, a common household issue, thrives in damp, humid conditions, making it a particular concern in areas with high humidity levels. Understanding how regional weather patterns influence mold growth is crucial in developing effective strategies to combat it. Take Chicago as a prime example. With its annual average relative humidity at 71 percent, peaking at 75 percent during winter, and averaging 68 percent in summer, the city presents an ideal breeding ground for mold. These conditions emphasize the need for homeowners to be vigilant and proactive in mold prevention and removal. Mold not only poses a risk to the structural integrity of homes but can also have health implications, making its effective management a priority for maintaining a healthy living environment.

  1. Address Plumbing Issues Promptly

One of the primary sources of indoor moisture leading to mold growth is plumbing leaks. Whether it’s a dripping faucet, a leaking pipe, or a sweating pipe, these seemingly minor issues can create a constant source of moisture, ideal for mold to thrive. In a city like Chicago, where humidity is already a contributing factor, even small amounts of additional moisture can tip the balance in favor of mold. It’s crucial to address plumbing issues as soon as they are noticed.

The cost of hiring a plumber in Chicago may vary, but it’s an investment worth making. It’s a preventive measure against more significant mold-related problems in the future. Regular plumbing maintenance and quick repairs can save homeowners from larger, more costly mold remediation efforts down the line. It’s advisable to have a reliable plumber’s contact information handy and schedule regular check-ups to ensure that the plumbing system is in good condition. This way, you’ll also be able to determine the Chicago plumber cost and get all the plumbing issues sorted out on time.

  1. Enhance Air Circulation and Reduce Humidity

Improving air circulation is a key step in preventing mold growth, especially in high-humidity areas like Chicago. Simple actions, for instance, keeping doors between rooms open, using ceiling fans, and opening windows when weather permits, can significantly enhance air circulation, thereby reducing moisture levels. During colder months, when opening windows isn’t practical, mechanical aids such as fans and air circulators can help.

Another effective strategy is to manage indoor humidity levels. Dehumidifiers play a vital role in this regard, especially in inherently damp areas of the home, such as basements or bathrooms. They work by extracting excess moisture from the air, creating an environment less hospitable for mold. It’s important to regularly monitor and maintain these devices to ensure they operate efficiently. Additionally, keeping indoor plants in moderation can also help, as overabundance can contribute to higher indoor humidity levels.

  1. Regular Cleaning and Dusting

Regular cleaning and dusting are crucial in the battle against mold. Mold spores are everywhere and can quickly settle and grow on household surfaces, particularly where there’s dust and organic material. Keeping your home clean reduces the chances of mold finding a suitable place to grow.

Focus on areas that are prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens, and ensure they are well-ventilated and cleaned frequently. Use cleaning products designed to prevent mold growth – these can be particularly effective in high-humidity areas. In addition to cleaning surfaces, it’s also important to regularly wash fabrics like curtains, shower curtains, and bedding, as they can harbor mold spores.

Vacuuming is another vital aspect of preventing mold. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter can help remove mold spores from your home. Pay special attention to carpets and upholstered furniture, as these can trap moisture and provide a breeding ground for mold.

  1. Proper Ventilation in High-Moisture Areas

Proper ventilation is essential in preventing mold, especially in parts of the house like bathrooms and kitchens where moisture levels are typically higher. These areas often produce a lot of steam, and without adequate ventilation, this moisture can settle on walls and ceilings, creating a perfect habitat for mold.

Installing exhaust fans is a highly effective solution. These fans help to expel moist air from these rooms, significantly reducing the humidity level. It’s crucial to use these fans during and after activities like cooking or showering and to let them run for a sufficient amount of time afterward to clear out all the moist air. For kitchens, a range hood that vents outside is preferable to a recirculating model, as it removes moisture along with cooking fumes.

In cases where installing new ventilation isn’t feasible, there are still ways to improve air circulation. Opening windows, even just a crack, can make a big difference. During colder months, this might seem counterintuitive, but a few minutes of increased airflow can help to balance the humidity levels without causing a significant loss of heat.

  1. Use Mold-Resistant Products

Using mold-resistant products is an effective way to combat mold growth, particularly during renovations or repairs. These products are designed with materials that inhibit the growth of mold, offering an additional layer of protection in high-humidity areas like Chicago.

For instance, when painting, opt for mold-resistant paint, especially in bathrooms and kitchens. These paints contain additives that prevent mold from developing on the painted surfaces. Similarly, when choosing building materials, consider those that are less prone to mold growth, like moisture-resistant drywall or tiles, for areas that are frequently wet.

Even small changes, for example, using mold-resistant shower curtains or bath mats, can make a difference. These products are often made with materials that are less absorbent and dry more quickly, reducing the chances of mold taking hold.

  1. Professional Mold Inspection and Removal

Sometimes, despite all efforts, mold can take hold in hard-to-reach places or grow to an extent that’s difficult to manage. In such cases, it’s wise to call in professionals. They have the expertise and equipment to safely and effectively remove mold and can also identify potential problem areas to prevent future growth.

Professional mold removal is particularly important if the infestation is extensive or if the mold is growing in HVAC systems or within walls. These situations require specialized treatment that goes beyond surface cleaning. Professionals can also provide valuable advice on how to keep your home mold-free and might identify underlying issues contributing to mold growth, such as poor insulation or hidden leaks.

Remember, while the cost of professional mold removal might seem high, it’s a worthwhile investment for the health and longevity of your home and its inhabitants.


In conclusion, mold prevention and removal in a humid climate require a combination of regular maintenance, proactive measures, and sometimes professional intervention. By addressing plumbing issues, enhancing air circulation, maintaining cleanliness, ensuring proper ventilation, using mold-resistant products, and seeking professional help when needed, homeowners can effectively manage and eliminate mold. These steps are key to maintaining a healthy, mold-free indoor environment.

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