Laser VS Waxing. What’s Better?

In the realm of hair removal, individuals are faced with an overwhelming assortment of options. Two popular methods, laser and waxing, stand out as effective choices. Laser hair removal employs concentrated beams of light to target and eliminate hair follicles, offering long-term reduction in hair growth. Meanwhile, waxing involves the application of heated or cold wax to the skin, which is then swiftly removed, taking unwanted hair along with it. 

I used to shave and wax all my life. I am 45. I regret I did not start laser earlier. It is such a life changer! I literally save 20-30 minutes every other day I used to shave my legs. It is a lot of time I can devote to something more important than shaving. was game changer for me.

Although both methods strive to deliver smooth and hair-free skin, discerning which is truly superior requires a deeper exploration of their respective advantages and drawbacks. In this article, we will delve into the key factors that distinguish laser and waxing, aiming to provide clarity on the question many individuals ask themselves: which method reigns supreme?

Advantages and Disadvantages of laser hair removal

Advantages of laser hair removal:

1. Precision in targeting specific areas: One of the key advantages of laser hair removal is its ability to precisely target specific areas of unwanted hair. Unlike waxing, where large strips of hair are removed at once, laser hair removal allows for selective targeting. This means that you can focus on specific areas such as the upper lip, bikini line, or underarms, without affecting the surrounding skin.

2. Long-lasting results: Laser hair removal offers long-lasting results compared to other hair removal methods such as waxing. While waxing only removes the hair from the surface, laser hair removal targets the hair follicles beneath the skin. By damaging the follicles, the regrowth of hair is significantly reduced, leading to long-lasting results. With regular sessions, some individuals may even experience permanent hair reduction.

3. Minimal pain or discomfort: Laser hair removal is relatively comfortable compared to waxing. While waxing can be painful, with each strip of wax being pulled off the skin, laser hair removal involves minimal discomfort. Most individuals describe the sensation as a rubber band snapping against the skin. Additionally, newer laser technologies come with cooling mechanisms that significantly reduce any discomfort that may be experienced during the procedure.

Disadvantages of laser hair removal:

1. Costly compared to waxing: One of the main drawbacks of laser hair removal is its cost. Compared to traditional waxing, laser hair removal is significantly more expensive. This is due to the specialized equipment, expertise, and multiple sessions required for optimal results. While the upfront cost may be higher, it is important to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost-savings from reduced hair regrowth.

2. Requires multiple sessions for optimal results: Laser hair removal requires multiple sessions for optimal results. This is because hair grows in different phases and not all hair follicles are active at the same time. Multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart are necessary to target hair in different growth stages and ensure effective hair reduction. While some individuals may see noticeable results after a few sessions, others may require more treatments to achieve their desired outcome.

3. Potentially unsuitable for certain skin and hair types: Laser hair removal may not be suitable for everyone, particularly individuals with certain skin and hair types. Laser technology works by targeting the pigment in the hair follicles, so individuals with darker hair and lighter skin tend to be the best candidates for laser hair removal. Those with lighter hair colors or darker skin tones may find laser hair removal less effective. It is important to consult with a qualified professional to determine if laser hair removal is suitable for your specific skin and hair type.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Waxing

Advantages of waxing

1. Affordable compared to laser hair removal: One of the major advantages of waxing over laser hair removal is its affordability. Waxing is generally less expensive than laser hair removal, making it a more budget-friendly option for individuals looking for hair removal solutions. This affordability makes waxing accessible to a larger population, allowing more people to benefit from its advantages.

2. Can be done at home or professionally: Another advantage of waxing is its flexibility in terms of location. Waxing can be done at home using ready-to-use wax strips or waxing kits, providing convenience and privacy. On the other hand, it can also be done professionally at salons or spas, where trained estheticians perform the procedure using professional-grade wax. This allows individuals to choose their preference based on convenience, comfort, and expertise.

3. Removes hair from the root, leading to slower regrowth: Unlike shaving or depilatory creams, which only remove hair from the surface, waxing removes hair from the root. This means that waxing provides longer-lasting results as hair takes longer to grow back. When hair is removed from the root, the regrowth process is slower, resulting in smoother skin for a longer period of time. This can be a significant advantage for individuals who dislike frequent hair removal and desire longer periods of hair-free skin.

Disadvantages of waxing

1. Can be painful or uncomfortable: One of the main disadvantages of waxing is the potential discomfort or pain that can be associated with the procedure. The act of waxing involves pulling the hair out from its roots, which can cause temporary discomfort. While pain tolerance levels vary among individuals, some may find waxing to be more uncomfortable compared to other hair removal methods such as laser hair removal. However, the level of pain experienced can vary depending on factors such as individual pain tolerance, the area being waxed, and the skill of the esthetician or person performing the waxing.

2. Requires hair to grow a certain length before waxing: Unlike laser hair removal, which can target even the shortest hairs, waxing requires hair to grow to a certain length before it can be effectively removed. This means that there is a waiting period between waxing sessions, during which hair will continue to grow. For individuals who prefer to always have completely hair-free skin, this waiting period can be a disadvantage. However, with proper planning and scheduling, this limitation can be managed effectively.

3. Results are not permanent and require regular maintenance: Another disadvantage of waxing is that the results are not permanent. While waxing removes hair from the root, it does not prevent future hair growth. As a result, regular maintenance sessions are required to keep the desired smoothness and hair-free appearance. The frequency of maintenance sessions varies depending on factors such as individual hair growth patterns and personal preference. This regular maintenance can be considered time-consuming for individuals who prefer a hair removal method that provides longer-lasting or permanent results.


In conclusion, the debate between laser and waxing as hair removal methods has sparked a lot of discussion. Both methods have their pros and cons, and determining which one is better ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual circumstances. Laser hair removal offers long-term results and can be less painful, but it requires multiple sessions and can be costly. On the other hand, waxing provides immediate results and is more affordable, but it is a temporary solution and can be quite uncomfortable. When making a decision, it is essential to consider factors such as budget, pain tolerance, desired results, and long-term commitments. Ultimately, the choice between laser and waxing depends on the individual’s preferences and needs.

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