How Can Navy Veterans Stay Healthy?

Military service members keep Americans safe from internal and external threats and protect the country’s national interests. These professionals are trained to be in better shape than average civilians.

However, this fitness starts to wear down when soldiers leave the service and transition to a civilian lifestyle. They become vulnerable to different mental and physical health challenges. Statistics indicate that 11% of veterans suffer from depression, and 10% have intense chronic pain caused by physical injuries sustained while on active duty. Navy veterans get the worst end of the deal since they’re exposed to harmful chemicals during service. Is there a solution?

10 health tips for navy vets

Yes, there’s a solution for navy veterans facing mental and physical health issues. Veterans constitute a population that is susceptible to problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. These issues are more common among military veterans than civilians because of the access to unhealthy foods on military bases and increased smoking and physical inactivity rates among retired military officers. Also, veterans suffer from different stress-inducing situations when deployed in war-torn countries. These experiences can result in mental issues, physical challenges, and emotional problems. But here’s how you deal with these issues:

  1. Get mesothelioma compensation

Many navy service members in the 20th century were exposed to a toxin called asbestos. Several decades after asbestos exposure, they can develop a rare disease, mesothelioma. This disease is most common among navy veterans. However, retired officers are eligible to receive compensation after getting a mesothelioma diagnosis. Learn about the VA benefits that mesothelioma navy veterans can receive. This compensation will help you get treatment and prolong your lifespan with this rare disease.

  • Get checkups regularly

Wellness visits are important for navy veterans; these checkups ensure you stay in the prime of your health. These visits allow healthcare professionals to recommend screening tests to ensure you aren’t suffering from illnesses. Moreover, your doctor may notice some symptoms you have ignored about your well-being. Use these visits to identify health problems before they become serious.

  • Get your vaccines

Don’t forget to stay up-to-date on your vaccines to prevent contracting infections. For instance, COVID-19 impacts people disproportionately; aged adults are more vulnerable to this virus. That’s why getting your coronavirus shots is important. Usually, the Department of Defence administers 17 vaccines to military personnel. For instance, soldiers need a meningitis vaccine when living in military barracks.

  • Eat healthy stuff

Do you what’s the greatest cure for declining health? A well-balanced diet. Eating the right food can rejuvenate your body at an older age and prevent health problems related to poor nutrition. You should regulate your weight, stay hydrated, and consume less sugar. Stay away from fast food and eat more fruits & veggies. Also, drink OJ, smoothies, and milkshakes instead of alcohol and coffee. So, focus on eating a nutrition-rich diet and consult your doctor about which diet’s better for you.

  • Get enough sleep

Many army veterans have insomnia and other sleep-related problems. This insomnia often emerges from different underlying causes and troubles over 57% of post-9/11 veterans today. You shouldn’t ignore insomnia since, many times, losing sleep indicates a major psychological problem. Consult your doctor and overcome your insomnia. Some experts suggest that imagery rehearsal therapy can help vets sleep better. Get enough rest every night to energize yourself properly.

  • Don’t ignore self-care

Self-care is important, and you should take charge of your health by focusing on your hygiene. Many navy veterans often neglect self-care because of stress or anxiety. However, neglecting self-care is detrimental to your overall well-being. Self-care makes you more cautious about your well-being, so find ways to prioritize your mental and physical health. Do things for the sake you’re your self to stay happy and content in life.

  • Exercise more often

Staying physically active is the key to optimal health post-retirement. Fortunately, 80% of veterans engage in moderate levels of physical activity; it’s good for their well-being and prevents them from many mental and physical health issues. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, and these hormones are associated with feelings of happiness. Work out more often and be happier.

  • Address injuries quickly

Many military service members sustain injuries and deal with the ramifications their whole lives. So, it’s important to address any injuries you’ve previously sustained and also new ones. Don’t ignore minor slips and falls; they need to be checked by your healthcare provider. Sometimes, old wartime injuries worsen because of increased physical activity. Visit your doctor. Get an early diagnosis and prevent your injuries from turning into something worse.

  • Get rehabilitative therapy

Many therapies are beneficial for military veterans. These therapies can improve your mental and physical health and ensure your well-being. For example:

  • Yoga:- It keeps your back strong and offers relief from non-chronic pain.
  • Massage:- It makes you more functional and can cure people with lower-back pain.
  • Mindfulness:- This stress-reducing exercise benefits navy vets with stress problems.
  1. Consider mental health

Don’t underestimate the importance of maintaining your mental health. Statistics show that 7 out of 100 veterans will face PTSD at some point in their lifetimes. Veterans serving in wars can experience flashbacks of those traumatic events and have trouble regulating their emotions. It’s important to talk to a therapist and get mental health counseling if you notice symptoms of PTSD. Moreover, socialize with your loved ones, engage in active hobbies, and write a journal to overcome PTSD.


How can navy veterans keep themselves healthy and happy? This article lists some ways of improving your well-being as a military veteran. Get vaccinated and regularly visit the primary caregiver for annual checkups. Exercise regularly, sleep punctually, and consume nutrition-rich foods. Address any injuries you’ve sustained immediately and get rehabilitative therapies when needed. Stress-reducing exercises improve your mental health and also do wonders for your physical well-being. Don’t ignore self-care. Mesothelioma is more common in navy veterans, so get yourself checked for it. A veteran suffering from mesothelioma is also eligible for VA benefits and appropriate compensation. Following these tips can help you live a healthy retired life.

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